• $555000

100 Pigeon Valley Road, Wakefield, Tasman, Nelson / Tasman, 7025, New Zealand

If you have some tradesperson’s skills or are lucky enough to have a family or friends who do, and have been waiting for your first home, or maybe your first move to a more rural location, look no further! Priced to reflect some finishing work required, and with oodles of opportunity to add further value, the framework is here! The location is superb – the 883m2 section is only a kilometre from the charming Wakefield village with its pre schools, school and buses through to the larger centres and secondary schools. As well as the separate double garage and studio, the chickens are already here, as is a vege garden with room for extending that further. The cottage has 2 double bedrooms and a single room/nursery/office, and there is a lined studio/hobby room at the back of the double garage that you could use as a 4th bedroom if you needed. In winter, the logburner keeps the home cosy, and in summer, French doors open to an enclosed outdoor living area safe for young children or pets. Previous improvements include a new roof, and updates to wiring, plumbing and the piles. On town supply water. The current owners have started their renovation with the basics of a new bathroom – now is your chance to buy at this reasonable price and make your own mark on this delightful country cottage. Only for sale as the owners are moving away.